Chet Bahadur Kunwar

Chet Bahadur Kunwar is 39 years old, he was born in Arnakot Deurali, Nishikhola, Nepal. He is married with two children. His daughter is 12 years old and his son is 10 years old. His wife is also a Community Medical Assistance and is working in the health post in Burtibang. Chet lives in Arnakot but his wife and children live in Burtibang, which is two hours walk away from Arnakot. Chet works in the health post at Arnakot as a Community Medical Assistant (CMA), seeing patients and dispensing medications.

 Chet attended four different schools to complete his schooling. He completed his higher education in Pokhara. He undertook his CMA training whilst he was studying in collage. He has finished his CMA and bachelor level education and is still continuing studying for his masters in sociology.  

Chet states: 

‘I am very happy to be part of NEPAL-ease. Thank you very much for wonderful opportunity to work with you. All of us really appreciate your wonderful work for Arnakot community.’