Jham Bahadur Kunwar

 Jham Bahadur Kunwar , is 59years old and was born in Arnakot Deurali of Nisikhola Rural Municipality ward no 2, Baglung, Gandaki Province Nepal. He lives in Arnakot Deurali. He is married and has five children and eight grand children. His wife is a farmer plus Community Female Health Volunteer. He is a retired head master and taught in primary schools for 40 years. He is also a paramedic and helps the Arnakot health post as a management committee member.

He has completed his Intermediate graduation, qualified as a teacher and did a health orientation training course, teacher training and community health training organized by INF.

Jham sent us the following statement: ‘I thank NEPAL-ease for their help in the backward community like ours by sending medicine and training the nurses and sending salaries. The whole community is so happy and we still have a lot to do to improve the centre by making birthing centre and improve the building and SBA training for the nurses’.