Mina Karki

Mina Karki was born to Nepali parents 31 years ago in India. Her parents later decided to return to Nepal.

Although there was no suitable college at Pokhara, Mina initially wanted to be a nurse but in the meantime was able to enrol at college. Here she went to classes early each morning and worked as a tutor  in the evening. The tiny income made everything possible in terms of college fees, rent, food etc.

Later, she was able to obtain some trekking work! She was trained as a guide through a course called Empowering Women of Nepal and soon found work. But it was not easy to be a guide and she was never able to carry massive bags! After 2 years, in 2011,  she received a qualification as a government certificated guide. She has climbed Annapurna, Langtang, Everest, and other mountains in Nepal. 

She is  active in the social sector and work as a  volunteer in numerous places, including some part time work for Karma Flights Foundation. Mina helped to set up ‘Education for Life – Nepal’ and is one of it’s trustees.  The organisation promotes education around menstruation and  issues free reusable pads to girls and women in Nepal.